
Ahhhh, time to relax

Okay, so when I left you last week, I was talking about a new "diet" book that I bought. As I told you, it's not about what goes in your mouth - it's about what's going on in your head. I haven't formally started the plan, but even so, the though processes are taking root. As I read, I think "duh, why didn't I think of that?" But it really isn't that so much as validation for some of the things I suspected all along. People with a "food" problem really don't have a "food" problem. Food is just the vehicle. I'm actually glad that for me it is food and not drugs or something worse. Anyway, I am still reading and sorting it all out.

Jinx, Kud, Ida, Shrinking Mom - I think of all of you often. I will keep you posted as I work my way through the book.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Mary. I'll be interested on that author's take on the problems that cause over eating. And you are right, it could be something a lot worse than 'food', but the outcome can be just as deadly....GBY!
