
Syrple Weekend is here!

For the record, We have fondly nicknamed this Mryple Syrple weekend - that is not a typo. :)

I would love to know how many calories I burned going up the basement steps with the carts we are taking to the show. We are so much more organized than we were the first year we went to the Festival. Set up is my least favorite aspect of this whole business, but the more organized we get, the less time we have to spend doing it.

So, on to Loser business. I am still treading water. I got a new book in the mail called "The Beck Diet Solution." It's not a diet book per se. It goes after the stinkin' thinkin' that causes us to sabotage ourselves. I know the 99% of my weight problem is a thinking problem. I haven't had a lot of time to read it. I am looking forward to next week being a slower week so I have a chance to look at it.


  1. Good luck with the booth. Have fun.

  2. HI Mary!

    Oh a festival sounds like so much fun!! A fellow blogger that comments on my blog often 'Carol' read this book and really liked it.I read fiction only, maybe a history or biography occassionally and a classic now and then to keep the old brain working on all cylinders. :) But i've never read a diet book. Please feel free to impart any great wisdom or revelations you come across. :) HHmmm festivals they have carnival type food there too?????You know.........cotton candy....etc....???? Better be careful!!!! HHmmmm bring apples to munch on! Jinx!

  3. I'm just starting the Beck Diet book also. I wish I had more time to read it carefully. I love your phrase "stinkin' thinkin'" Yes, it's all about that. I truly feel that weight control is handled from the neck up. I used to go to Weight Watcher meetings where all they did was talk about points. I didn't need that. I needed skills to quit sabotaging myself. I feel hopeful with this. Enjoy your blog.

  4. I've heard a bunch of good things about that book so I hope it helps you out in your eating-thinking harmony. Let me know if it's worth reading...
    How did your show go?

  5. LOL... I totally thought it was a typo!
