
Down in the dumps

I'm not exactly sure why, but I definitely am. Not much to report today. I just feel like laying low. I know it will pass, but it's a bummer to go through.

I am going to concentrate on getting things done around here and see if that improves my mood.


  1. Here is hoping that your blues go away quickly!
    I have those every now and again too!

  2. This may sound funny, but have you tried turning on all the lights in your house? Lots of bright light really helps me on those days (especially during the winter) when I just feel dumpy. I sure hope you feel better soon!

  3. I'll allow one day - and one day only - for you to be down. :)

    Tomorrow, I challenge you to do at least 50 crunches and at least 20 minutes of cardio.

  4. I would have to agree with Ms. Squishy up there. I used to laugh at the idea of winter blues but then got hit hard with them. I could barely function and I figured out it was from not seeing sun in like three months. We've since hung blue led lights up in the kitchen and the kid's classroom and it appears to be helping. I'm out of my pj's now. =)

  5. It's a January day. Perhaps if we think really hard we can imagine all this snow is a big layer of whipped cream that some kid spilled, and we don't have to clean it up. Well, at least it could be an amusing thought for a few !

  6. Feel Better!!!!!!! As long as they don't stay around too long the blues can be if not necessarily a good thing then not a bad thing. Curl up with a cup of tea a a good book , stay warm and just chill. Bet you'll be all chipper tomorrow! Checked out your website of all the things you sell. Really , really nice! If i had your email i'd send you a picture of the crafty totebag i made my mother in law for xmas! LOL! It took me forever to finish! Cheers! Jinx!
