The internet is up and running for now. Today had all the makings of a very bad day. It started at 4:30 when I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. So I thought, if I can't sleep maybe I can catch up on my blogs. But of course the internet was down - again!!!! I was so tired that my head hurt. I was planning to skip the workout since the treadmill room is full of junk because of the bathroom remodel. But then I decided that if this day was going to turn around, I had to turn it around. So I got on the treadmill. Enter Little Miss Madison. The day was getting better already. Her routine is to take a morning nap so I took one with her. I felt so much better after we woke up. The day improved dramatically from then on. By the time my little punkin went home, the internet was up again and I found an order from the website.
Food was challenging today, but I muddled through and am calling the day a success.
Day 40: 100 Days of Weight Loss - Having an Eating Experience. This chapter talks about enjoying the context of food. I would rename this, enjoying food as part of a Social experience. You may notice that I am losing my enthusiasm for this book, but I made a commitment so I will finish.
Day 41: 100 Days of Weight Loss - Motivation is a Choice. This is very good news, because if motivation is a choice, then it is within our control. We are proactive - not victims - not dependent on the mercurial whim of the Motivation Fairy.
Day 42: 100 Days of Weight Loss - Make it Matter. Remember why you're doing this. Write it down!
Day 43: 100 Days of Weight Loss - Choose to, not Have to. Exercise is used as an example. I choose to workout, not, I have to workout. I'll go one even better. I am blessed to be able to work out. Many people would love to be able to get out and do a brisk walk on a beautiful day.
One thing that I keep in mind with exercise- it clears my head and gives my joints pain free mobility. No matter what the scale is doing, these two benefits are worth any amount of time I put into it.