
Day 14: 100 Days Challenge - Morning affects evening

This is one of those days where I wonder why I even bother to do this.  I usually wake up in a pretty good mood, but not today.  My inner brat is telling me "Oh, just skip it today."  But I will get on the treadmill because I am doing this for me, not anyone else.  I know today's weigh-in will be a bust, but I will note it, move on, and try to do better this week.  Off I go to the treadmill.

I have to confess.  I did not get on the treadmill.. I WENT OUTSIDE!  Yeah!!!!!  Our 3 grandchildren live in the mile so I put on my running shoes and went out to deliver Valentines.  It was a nice 1/2 hour workout!!!  Clayton and Claire live 1/4 mile to the east of us and then you round the corner, and Madison lives another 1/4 mile north.  After I delivered Madison's I headed up the dead end.  It was so great to get out, but it's still a little cold for my poor lungs yet. I felt it on the leg back because I was heading into the wind.

As for the weigh-in, I am up 4 pounds.  That is now history and I am moving on!  I will be back with today's lesson later.  I usually read it on the treadmill and as we know, I did not get on the treadmill today.

Evening Update****************

I slept most of Valentine's day away.  Guess I was tired or something.  Here is a picture of the birthday card that Clayton made for me.

The child does not miss a detail.  The big round person is me. (Guess I better start that food plan). The little blob on my head is my hair.  I wear it in a clip and that is the top of my clipped hair.  The littler person is baby Madison.  She has fingers.  I'm not sure why I don't.  :)

Today's Focus from the 100 Days of Weight Loss is "Morning affects evening"
This was actually about how what you eat in the morning can affect your eating for the rest of the day.  This morning I glanced at the title, but didn't have time to read it.  I was thinking about how getting right up and hitting the road or the treadmill affects the rest of my day.  

Here is the actual focus:
1. Set a goal of eating breakfast every day for the next week.  In your notebook, record what you ate.
2. If you wish, you can split your breakfast into two mini-meals and eat the second one mid-morning.
3. Plan a couple of options for late-afternoon snacks.  List them in your notebook so you'll remember your ideas.


Today's lesson from The Beck Diet Solution is selecting an exercise plan.
I am already working that plan.  I am proud of myself that I am keeping my commitment to exercise each day and to post to my blog.  It was so nice to get outside today.  I think I actually coughed less through the day.  But I'm going to wait until the temps are just a little higher.  Normally, 26 degrees would be a good temp for me, but with the respiratory problems I've had this winter, I think it might be wise to wait.  It's strange that I feel like I work harder when I'm on the treadmill, but my HRM registers much higher when I am outside.


  1. Sometimes bargaining with the inner brat works- like what you do to encourage a little one to eat veggies. Coax it into doing five minutes, the congratulate it and challenge it to do just five more till you get it done. Or jokingly call it the Valentines day waltz ! I am telling my son that our workout today is the achy breaky heart party. Sort of the same appeal to the brat principle

  2. Thats what you gotta do Mary. Just keep on keepin' on! ((HUGS))
