Today's reading from 100 Days of Weightloss is about learning to leave a little on the plate in order to reprogram our "Clean Plate" thinking. The author suggests starting small - one pea at a time, so to speak. One thing I've started doing is asking the waitress to bring a takeout container when my food is served. Half of a restaurant serving is more than enough.
Record the thoughts and feelings you have while doing this exercise. I know for me, when I eat at a restaurant, there is always that feeling of "this is the only time I'll be able to eat this, I just can't waste it." But we know from yesterday's reading that it is wasted one way or another if I eat it just because it's there.
Today's reading and most likely tomorrow's are not really relevant for me in that it is about allowing yourself to experience hunger. I can't really do that, but I can try an stop eating in between meals.
Giggling here-I think I have "alien thinking" when it comes to leaving food on my plate. If I do not get the portion size correct according to each person's appetite , I consider it to be very bad planning and determine that next meal I make less. If people keep leaving food on their plates , I will eventually make nothing because not all food can be used as a leftover successfully, I only have so much freezer space, we already generate enough trash and that is money that could be put to better use elsewhere, so make nothing. I understand the logic that the author is working with and I agree with it( overeating is another form of waste) but there are other practical matters for me to consider as well. My thinking seems to be more "global" with food- the big picture for a unit called my family for the long haul. I think it came about from years of planning because of weight loss, budget, home school, schedules and so forth.And it is becoming evident to me that it is not necessarily portions that are my problem , but rather the quality of what I was eating. It seems each one of us has a different set of challenges to overcome and it is the isolating these factors so you can deal with them that is the biggest work !