
Day 1: 100 days challenge - I Used To Be That Way

Well, today is the day.  I hopped out of bed at 6:00 am ready to tackle the first day of the challenge.  My little granddaughter comes over at 8:00 on Mondays and Tuesdays.  I have figured out that leaving the workout until later in the day rarely works. Today's workout will be on the treadmill since it is still dark outside at this time of the year.  Also, I am still battling a sore throat.  My next visit to the doctor I will insist on them taking a culture.  I've had a sore throat since December 27 - enough already! Back to the challenge:  I will be reading Day 1 from the book while on the treadmill.

Today's Lesson from "100 Days of Weight Loss":
I used to be that way . . . .

1.  Make a list of any fears or negative behaviors that have hurt your weight-loss success in the past.  Read each one out loud and then say, "I used to be that way, but now I'm different."

2. Then write new ending for them by completing this sentence.  "I used to _______________(fill in your old behavior), but now I ______________(write in your new ending.)

3. Read these new outcomes often, and then live in a way that makes them true.

I think we can be our own worst enemies when it comes to achieving our goals.  No one has ever been meaner to me than I have been to myself when I stumble.  

1.  I used to eat to procrastinate but now I set a timer for 15 minutes and spend that time making a dent in the chore I am avoiding..
2.  I used to sabotage myself, but now I am trying to be my own best friend.
3.  I used to beat myself up when I slipped up, but now I forgive myself and move on.
4.  I used to have an all or nothing attitude about weight loss, but now I realize I am doing the best I can.  Progress, not perfection..
5.  I used to define myself by a number on the scale, but now I know that the number on the scale is only a barometer of weight loss, not an indicator of self-worth.
6.  I used to let other people define me, now I live according to my own set of values.
7.  I used to let "what other people my think" rule my life, now I think for myself.  As they say in OA, "what other people think of me is none of my business.".
8.  I used to let a slip-up become a total wash-out, now I know that it's what I do after a slip-up that determines the outcome. 

I did my workout this morning and was out of the shower by the time little Miss Madison got here.  It felt great to feel in control of my time.  

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