Will be back to update. We finally got our wireless working.
Oooops, spoke too soon. Wireless not working. Grrrrrr
Anyway, the reading for Day 19 is about learning to recognize a serving size. Over the years the portion sizes in this country have gotten progressively larger so that we no longer know what constitutes one serving. Yesterday, while running errands, I bought a single serving size of baked potato chips. That's one ounce, folks. I don't think I've ever eaten just one ounce of potato chips - not in recent memory anyway. I made it a point to eat them slowly. I made that one ounce bag last for 20 minutes. I savored each bite and made it last as long as possible. When I finished the bag, I was finished eating. I didn't crave more. However, if I had been eating from a 6 oz bag in my usual fashion, I probably could have polished off the bigger bag in less time. We all know the science behind this, how it takes the brain 20 minutes to register that you have eaten, etc. But if I was a logical person with regard to eating, I wouldn't have a weight problem to begin with. For me it's all about slowing down and appreciating the moment. I am learning to do that in other areas of my life. Now it's time to apply that to eating.
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